Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Continuing Journey...

Welcome to the second week of my learning journey.
In today's tute we explored a variety of sites and applications. Once again, some I was familiar with and some were a brand new experience for me. We looked at powerpoints (a commonly known application), wiki's, online personality tests and slideshare.

First we will start with powerpoint.
Powerpoint is an application that has been around for as long as I can remember. Fortunately it has grown and developed, like myself, over the years and has now become an advanced and technical application. To be honest I hadn't really looked at powerpoint for many years, probably since I was in year 7 and when I had looked at it because it had developed so much since then 'shoved it aside' so to speak and didn't really want to look at it. My knowledge didn't really extend any further then knowing how to put information and pictures into my slides and adding a new 'blank' slide into my powerpoint. I have now learnt that you can add music or sounds, edit the pictures that you add into your slides, that you can make your slides 'read only' applications and that there are various new things that you can do to make your slide more interesting and effective. Now you may ask 'how is she going to incorporate powerpoint into her classroom then the norm?' and this is a question that I have also been asking myself. Apart form the usual, reports and presentations etc, I have been struggling to figure out how and where to use powerpoints within my classroom. So I have come to this.....powerpoints can be used as an interesting and engaging way to introduce new information about a topic or unit to my students (Active Learning). It is a great way to present final findings to my students about a whole class investigation that has been conducted (Keirley, 1999). It can also be used to access students progress and learning for both summative and formative assessment processes. With powerpoint students can also make the powerpoint 'their own' there are so many different things that they can use to make the powerpoint to their own interests and understandings (Oliver, 1999/Marzano & Pickering, 1997). When using powerpoint in the classroom you can also engage most of the students within your class regardless of their learning style as you can use images, sounds, text etc (The State of Queendland (Department of Education) 2002).

Second we will look at wiki's.
Before this weeks tute, I thought that a wiki was just like a blog and nothing more, I have now found out the wiki is like an extended blog and in fact so much more. Wiki is your own website, blog, forum etc that can be accessed by 'followers'. This was the best and most exciting website of the day for me. Even though I had never seen an actual wiki form the 10 mins exploration of the site, after creating my own wiki, I could see the never ending possibilities of use within the classroom. Every day I find myself thinking of how I can use wiki within my classroom to engage my students, foster and enhance their learning, and involve them in the learning journey (McInerney & McInerney 2002). Firstly wiki's can be used as a whole class website (Oliver, 1999). When used in this way there are multiple ways in which it can enhance the learning that is taking place weather it be for every day use of assignments. As a class website each students can have their 'OWN' page, which always excites that students because you are believing in their ability (Keirsley, 1999). These pages can be used to personal reflections, assignment submissions and assignment editing, group assignments, personal blogs on anything that the students want to share, and learning just to name a few (Authentic Tasks - Marzano & Pickering, 1997). There can also be pages added for group assignments, learning pages that are focused on new material that the class is learning, or even a class newsletter (idea received from Tiff). On these pages not only can one put up information but picture, music to enhance what is on the page and cater for all learners (Active Leanring). What has been stated above is just the tip of the iceberg in what is capable when using a wiki to enhance learning. I find my self thinking of new and exciting ways of using this application everyday and I excited to start using in when I have my own classroom. My excitement will overflow into my teaching and effect my students in making a positive learning environment that students feel comfortable in (Dimensions of learning) Marzano & Pickering, 1997. The only down fall that I can see in this application is the fact that anyone who is involved in the wiki can delete everything on there. This may cause frustration and take up extra time for the other members of the wiki, although every can be restored it is an inconvenience.

Next we looked at online personality tests.
This is a great way to get to know your students initially before the new year starts. By doing these test with a new class you are able to see their learning styles and personality styles and this can greatly help your planning, organisation and management of the class (The State of Queensland (Department of Education) 2002). It can also help create a warm and accepting environment that the class feels accepted in (Marzano & Pickering, 1997). It was also great to see my own learning and personality styles as this can greatly affect the way in which I teach and organise my learning environment (see previous blogs for this information).

Last but not least is slideshare.
This is a site where anyone can 'share' their powerpoints with the rest of the world. On that concept it will engage students. If they can share their thoughts and work with not only the class or you but the WHOLE WORLD they are instantly interested (in most cases). Like Dean has said, slideshare is a bit like YouTube. A place where you can share something that you have created, in this case it is powerpoints. For use within the classroom it is good for accessing scholarly or authoritative powerpoints to show to the class on particular topics. It can also be used for students to publish their own powerpoint creations to the rest of the world. Through this site you can access those powerpoint and access their progression of learning or as a final assessment item assess their powerpiont for a project (Active Learning). The problem is that ANYONE can add ANYTHING they want to slideshare and this may cause your students to access content that you do not believe suitable. This application I would use sparingly in my classroom, I would use it more so to find powerpoints to use rather then for students to upload their own.

The above discussed websites and applications all have various ways to enhance and foster students learning and to successfully engage them within the classroom rather then the boring old 'chalk and talk' method of teaching. Technologies are not a new but an exciting way for students to learn and for us to teach. They not only engage but incorporate aspects of Dimensions of learning (Marzano & Pickering, 1997) and Constructivism (McInerney & McInerney, 2002) into the everyday environment of the classroom. Thus as a result enhances students learning and makes it easier to work within the frameworks of problem based learning (Fass, 2009) and active learning.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read about my learning journey and I hope that it has also got you thinking of new and exciting ways of using these applications in your own classrooms. Until next time, take care.
My Curious Dangerous Mind


  • Blooms (2007)
  • Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254
  • Ten Principles to Active Learning (
  • Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:
  • McInerney, D., & McInerney, V. (2002). Educational psychology: Constructing learning. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson Education.
  • Marzano, R. J, & Pickering, D. J. (1997). Dimensions of Learning: Teachers Manual. Aurora, Colorado, United States of America: Mid-continent Educational Laboratory.
  • The State of Queensland (Department of Education). (2002). Productive Pedagogies: Classroom reflection manual. Retrieved July 8, 2009, from: curriculum-framework/productive-pedagogies/


  1. Hi Leticha,

    I like the point you make about powerpoint presentations engaging most students as they cater to many different learning styles. That's a good way to look at it! Could you elaborate on what you mean by formative and summative assessment? For those students out there (like me) who aren't studying a BLM!

    Bye for now,

  2. Formative assessment happens all the way through a unit of work. This is what you see the students learning every day, from simple to complex ILO's (Intended learning outcomes). Sumative assesssment is that assessment that happens at the end of a unit of work to see what they have learnt overall.

    My Curious Dangerous Mind
