Thursday, July 9, 2009

Technology in Action - Everyone Must View this!


  1. Absolutely fantasic, anyone who disagrees with those concepts should turn their computer off give it away, pick up their slate and chalk and head back to their cave.Times and technology are rapidly changing and the school system needs to catch up, so I'm eager to get techno savy to better engage my students with methods that are current and captures thier interest. Thinking outside the blackboard and photocopier in caveman terms. BG (before google) thats classic and that one question every ten hours, wow disturbing!

  2. Absolutely fantastic, this time with the T, haha.

  3. This Video is fabulous hey! And it really makes you think. If these are the things that our students can master and know why no use them to help them learn? From something as simple as a mobile phone can be used to help teach our students. With the use of these technologies in the classroom it saves us as teachers a massive amount of time trying to engage our studetns because this is what they are interested and engaged in. This course, although its soing to be a challenge, is really starting to excite me. I can't wait to find out the endless possibilities of ICT's.

    My Curious Dangerous Mind
